
bbc television中文什么意思

发音:   用"bbc television"造句
  • 电视属于媒体
  • bbc:    BBC = British Broadcasting C ...
  • television:    n. 电视。 black-and-white telev ...
  • bbc:    BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation 英国广播公司。
  • bbc focus on africa(bbc:    非洲聚焦
  • on television:    从电视上; 看电视; 在电视上
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  1. Sick of cats " a bbc television series has raised the question of whether cats should be kept indoors at night
  2. It was getting mentioned in blogs , commented on in forums and rewritten for news websites . it was even picked up by bbc television news
  3. Cherie blair told bbc television that the future prime minister popped the question in 1979 as she was tidying a villa in tuscany
    切丽?布莱尔在接受bbc电视台的采访时说, 1979年的一天,布莱尔向她求了婚,当时她正在意大利托斯卡纳的别墅打扫卫生。
  4. A forthcoming series of the bbc television show " little britain " features an unkempt middle - aged balding brit looking for love in a thai brides brochure
    一出即将上档的英国广播公司剧集《小英国人》 ,主角是一个不修边幅的中年秃头英国人,在泰国新娘简介里寻找爱情。
  5. Cherie blair told bbc television that the future prime minister popped the question in 1979 as she was tidying a villa in tuscany . " i ' d cleaned the toilet and he suddenly announced when i was
    切丽布莱尔在接受bbc电视台的采访时说, 1979年的一天,布莱尔向她求了婚,当时她正在意大利托斯卡纳的别墅打扫卫生。


    BBC Television is a service of the British Broadcasting Corporation. The corporation, which has operated in the United Kingdom under the terms of a Royal Charter since 1927, has produced television programmes from its own studios since 1932, although the start of its regular service of television broadcasts is dated to 2 November 1936.


        bbc:    BBC = British Broadcasting C ...
        television:    n. 电视。 black-and-white telev ...
        bbc:    BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation 英国广播公司。
        bbc focus on africa(bbc:    非洲聚焦
        on television:    从电视上; 看电视; 在电视上
        television:    n. 电视。 black-and-white television 黑白电视。 closed-circuit [industrial] television 内部闭路[工业]电视。 colour television 彩色电视。 combat television 指挥作战用的电视。 commercial [sponsored] television 商业电视。 the two-way television 双向电视。 I won't allow Little Mary to watch television till midnight. 我不会让小玛丽看电视到午夜的。 That's the third time the varsity team appeared on television this season. 那是我们校队本季第三次在电视上出现。 -al, -ary adj.
        bbc 12:    二溴氯丙烷
        bbc adition:    家听甘福尔摩斯
        bbc broadcasting:    广播中心
        bbc civilisation:    文明的轨迹
        bbc documentories:    纪录片字幕包
        bbc dunkirk:    bbc 敦克尔克大撤退
        bbc english:    广播公司英语教学部
        bbc entertainment:    bbc娱乐台
        bbc hannibal:    战略之父汉尼拔
        bbc hustle:    盗你没商量; 飞天大盗
        bbc jungle:    bbc.jungle丛林探险; 丛林探险
        bbc news:    bcc新闻twojailedforlafenicearson; 新闻中心
        bbc one:    bbc第一台; 英播公司第一台; 英国广播公司第一台
        bbc production:    制作中心
        bbc space:    bbc纪录片
        bbc the abyss:    海底深渊
        bbc the planets:    bbc 日月星宿
        bbc time:    bbc 加来道雄谈时间
        bbc trust:    广播公司信托



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